Yusimi Moya Rodriguez was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1987 and lives and works in Vienna, Austria.
She studied at the Dance Department of the ENA, the Escuela Nacional de Arte, in Havana and graduated with the title “Bailarina - Profesora de Danza Moderna y Folklorica” (dancer and teacher of contemporary and folkloric dance).
She is working as a dancer for choreographers. Her professional experience includes working at the Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de Cuba and for contemporary dance productions in theaters.
Yusimi Moya Rodriguez is well-known in the dance scene and teaches Afro-Cuban, Afro-Contemporary and Popular Cuban dance. She is conducting artistic research about African and Caribbean dance traditions.
Photo above © Gisela Elisa Heredia
Professional Dance Experience
Powered by Art- Fueled for Life
Contemporary Cuban Dance instruction for Le Grand Cru – International Dance & Coaching, with Feri de Geus and Noortje Bijvoets, at Walô Dance Center (Centre Choréographique d’Abomey-Calavi), Cotonou, Benin Republic
In der Dunkelwelt (Outdoor version)
Contemporary dance, with Joachim Schloemer (choreography) and Corinne Eckenstein (dramaturgy). Dschungel Wien, Austria (Outdoor version). Tanzkomplizen, Berlin, Germany. Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck, Austria. Théâtre populaire romand (TPR), La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.
Love (Premiere)
Contemporary dance, with Marcel Leemann (choreography) and Nicolas Streit (dramaturgy), Physical Dance Theater, Bern, Switzerland. Premiered at the Grosse Halle Reitschule Bern, Switzerland.
In der Dunkelwelt
Contemporary dance, with Joachim Schloemer (choreography) and Corinne Eckenstein (dramaturgy). Dschungel Wien, Austria. Dampfzentrale Bern, Switzerland.
Love is a Warm Gun
Contemporary dance, a project by La Fleur (Monika Gintersdorfer and Franck E.Yao) in collaboration with Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe (choreography). Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, Urbane Künste Ruhr, Germany.
In der Dunkelwelt (Premiere)
Contemporary dance, produced by Dschungel Wien, Tanzkomplizen and Theater Casino Zug, with Joachim Schloemer (choreography) and Corinne Eckenstein (dramaturgy). Theater Casino Zug, Tanzfestival Winterthur, Switzerland, Schillertheater-Werkstatt Berlin, Germany, Dschungel Wien, Austria.
Orisha Dances from Cuba
Performance lecture with Moussa Kone (text) and Christian Martinek (music), Susanne Wenger Foundation, Kunstmeile Krems, Austria.
Salon Souterrain edition special: Sensation Afro-Cubaine
A project by Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe for Kultursommer Vienna, Austria.
hochgehobene*r (Premiere)
Contemporary dance, with Physical Dance Theater and choreographer Marcel Leemann. Grosse Halle Reitschule, Bern, Switzerland.
Choreography for the dancing scenes in a movie by director David Clay Diaz and Coop99 Filmproduktion, Vienna, Austria.
Somewhere in the World
Group exhibition curated by Elisabeth Voggeneder and Dieter Ronte at the Forum Frohner, Kunstmeile Krems, Austria.
Water of Life
Solo dance performance, Symposium curated by Friederike Schinagl and Kunstplanbau e.V., St. Matthäus-Kirche, Kulturforum Berlin, Germany.
Dance & Resistance. Endangered Human Movements Vol. 2
Contemporary dance, with nada productions and Amanda Piña and Daniel Zimmermann. Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf, Germany; Nave, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Age Surfer’s Symphony (Premiere)
Contemporary dance, with tanz.coop and choreographer Gisela Elisa Heredia, Kosmos Theater, Vienna, Austria; It’s Liquid, Venice, Italy.
Perfect Stranger (Premiere)
Contemporary dance, with tanz.coop and choreographer Gisela Elisa Heredia. Kosmos Theater, Vienna, Austria.
Dance & Resistance. Endangered Human Movements Vol. 2
Contemporary dance, with nada productions and Amanda Piña and Daniel Zimmermann. Dansfabrik, Brest, France; Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Germany.
Oya Iyasan
Solo dance performance, Het Momentum van Bouge B, deSingel Theatre, Antwerp, Belgium.
Solo dance performance, Kültürgemma, Brunnenpassage, Vienna, Austria.
Dance & Resistance. Endangered Human Movements Vol. 2 (Premiere)
Contemporary dance, with nada productions and Amanda Piña and Daniel Zimmermann. Tanzquartier Vienna, Austria; Cofestival Ljubljana, Slovenia; STUK, Leuven, Belgium.
Carmen Cubana
Latin pop opera, with 3stone Entertainment and choreographer Kim Duddy, Deutsches Theater, Munich, Germany.
Four Remarks on the History of Dance. Endangered Human Movements Vol. 1 (Premiere)
Contemporary dance, with nada productions and choreographer Amanda Piña and Daniel Zimmermann. Impulstanzfestival Vienna, Austria; deSingel Theatre, Antwerp, Belgium.
A subsequent fulfillment of a pre-historic wish
Appearance as a dancer and voice-over in a short film by Johannes Gierlinger, 16mm, Stereo, 9:23 min.
Points of Passage (Premiere)
Site-specific solo dance performance with Christian Martinek (music) for the Abbey Melk, Melk an der Donau, Austria.
Dance musical, with Tumbao dance studio, on tour through various theaters in Austria and Germany.
Employment as a solo dancer in the contemporary dance company Ebony, Havana, Cuba.
Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de Cuba
Employment as a dancer at the state-run dance company Conjunto Folklórico Nacional de Cuba (Folkloric National Ballet), in Havana and on tour worldwide.
For more details, photos, links and texts please visit the Projects section.
Worked with the following choreographers
Amanda Piña (nada productions), Gisela Elisa Heredia (tanz.coop), Marcel Leemann (Physical Dance Theater Bern), Joachim Schloemer (Tanzkomplizen), Kim Duddy (3Stone Entertainment), Alberto Méndez (Ballet Nacional de Cuba), Lizt Alfonso (Ballet Lizt Alfonso), Isidro Rolando Thondike (Danza Contemporánea de Cuba), Santiago Alfonso Fernández (Cabaré Tropicana), Osnel Delgado (Mal Paso), Esteban Delgado (Danza Contemporánea de Cuba), Luis Roblejo (Danza Contemporánea de Cuba), Julia Fernandez (Conjunto Folklórico Nacional), Leonor Mendoza (Conjunto Folklórico Nacional), Manolo Micler (Conjunto Folklórico Nacional), Domingo Pao (Conjunto Folklórico Nacional).
Teaching Cuban Dance
Yusimi Moya Rodriguez is teaching Cuban Contemporary, Afro-Cuban and popular Cuban dances on dance festivals and in dance studios. She works as a choreographer for Latin and Afro-Cuban dance with companies and solo dancers. She has participated in festivals like UNiDANZA Hamburg, Havana en Belgrado, Salsafestival Switzerland, Vienna Salsa Congress, Salsa on the Beach Italy, Dance4Two Netherlands, Malecón Cuban Festival Greece, Cuba in Tunesia, Hola Ohrid Macedonia, etc.
Art and Dance Awards
Working grant for migrant artists by the association “Kültürgemma”, Vienna, 2014-2015.
Awarded a prize at “Wien Welt Wettbewerb“ in the contemporary dance category, Volkstheater Vienna, 2014.
Nominated for the young choreographer’s contest “Danzandos“ in Havana, 2014.